About Us – Xpocalypse Survival

About Us

self portrait of Thomas Scotch wearing a steampunk tophat
Not Very Serious Bio

Born in the cold mountains and raised by wolverines, Thomas Scotch has a lot of hair and knows how to use it. Thomas had a deep love of the outdoors from a very early age, enough so, that his incessant curiosity led his 6th grade teacher to give him a box full of wildlife magazines and stick him in a corner. His current means of satisfying that curiosity is to head out in to the wild with his trusty adventure sweater and a camera to find things that have never before been found.

More Serious Bio

I have a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and have also studied Sustainable Design. While finishing my degree, I lived in a tent for 18 months (which seems fitting for the degree), but was also a unique experience that not many people get to have.

I think emergency preparedness is important from a practical standpoint, but have also always enjoyed the intellectual exercise of it as well, which can be seen in the intersection with fiction and movies (check out my blog for some movie survival lessons).

For practical purposes, however, I have opened this store in hopes of providing customers with excellent service and products, so please let me know how I can help make that happen (or if I have failed to make that happen).

Also, I am a photographer, so sometimes wear funny hats.